Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weirdness - Megan

I'm feeling weird this morning.

I'm frustrated because yesterday was an AMAZING day. I had such a lovely day yesterday.  (my day off now that i'm working four 10's) Started off at the gym with a 4000m row, came home and got ready, met Brig at work and went with her to her yoga studio for a free trial - got my ass completely kicked in an hour of semi-hot yoga (wowza! I've not used my muscles like that in a long time) AND managed to complete like 85% of a freestanding headstand! THAT was awesome. (which, by the way - after I left the class and went to my friend's house later that night i actually DID complete a full yoga headstand. awesome.) after yoga had a salad the size of a house, chatted with brig some more, went to an appointment, met two girlfriends and walked a lap of greenlake, and then had japanese happy hour (even stuck to the Paleo there, except 1 glass of wine) with teriyaki beef, tempura broccoli (ok a little batter there), and some sweet potato things. Great day, no?

I dunno, for some reason this morning is 180 degrees different. I feel completely like this isn't working as much as it should. I've not seen a SINGLE change in my body, and i'm on day 10. Is that unrealistic? I'm feeling very discouraged. Which is dumb because i know i've felt physically better than I have in a long time - but I just don't understand how i am working out 5ish times a week and FINALLY got my eating habits under control, and still nothing. I'm trying to teach myself that I don't HAVE to be psychotic about diet and exercise just to be in shape - Trying to learn that you can be healthy and normal and still have what I want without being a crazy, no fun, obsessive dieter/exerciser. Ugh.

I think part of it comes back to the fact that it's just another thing that i'm realizing (within the last week or so...which all came to a head late last night) that I'm simply putting a whole hell of a lot of effort into a lot of things in life that aren't returning the favor.

Le Sigh.

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